Able Writer's Day at North Denes Junior School

Take a look at these lovely book covers that the pupils created when I visited from North Denes Junior School. We created the Mystorical Adventure, as the children read with me, looked at characters, wrote the first chapter and made the book covers! Aren't they great?

Ruby's Sleepover

Ruby and Mai are camping out in the garden. As the night draws in, all sorts of scary characters head towards their tent. Luckily, Ruby has some magical objects in her rucksack, but will they be enough to keep the girls safe?

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When Will it Snow?

Ages 3 to 7 yearsIllustrated by: Alison Edgson

“Winter is coming,” Mother Bear said. “We must snuggle down to sleep in our den.”

Little Bear doesn’t want to sleep! He wants to know what snow is like. His friends try to show him by making mud-balls and angels in the sand. But Little Bear knows that while he’s asleep his friends will have fun in the soft, white snow. Will they forget all about him?

Buy When Will it Snow? on Amazon

New books coming soon!

First of all, take a look at this young reader (a friend of mine's little one) getting stuck into one of my upcoming books, The Noisy Jungle, which will be published by Little Tiger Press.

It's always nice to see my stories in action!

The Noisy Jungle is one of three books I have coming out soon for children of all ages. The others are When Will It Snow?, also published by Little Tiger Press, and Beast Hunter, which will be published by A & C Black.

All three books will be out this Autumn, so keep your eyes peeled!

Also, don't forget that you can check out all my other books right here on my website.

Click Clack Crocodile's back chosen for Summer Reading Challenge

I had some wonderful news this week when I found out that my book, Click Clack Crocodile's Back, has been selected as part of this years' Summer Reading Challenge. The Summer Reading Challenge was developed to enhance children's reading by creating a fantastic atmosphere though events and activities around reading. The challenge is to read six or more of the selected books from your library over the summer holidays. Each year the theme changes. 2011 is 'Circus Stars'!

The Summer Reading Challenge is run by The Reading Agency through the summer holidays and takes place in 95% of British public libraries with over 750,000 children aged 4-11.

For more information visit the Summer reading Challenge Website:

A great day out at Stonar School

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of visiting Stonar School in Wiltshire, where I held one of my school visits. I had a fantastic time meeting and working with the children at Stonar, and was delighted to receive this wonderful feedback from Sophie Drew, who is in Year 9.

"We got the chance to read some of Kathryn's stories as well as write our own. Kathryn was very helpful and inspirational to us all and we would like to thank both her and the English department for such a great morning!"

Remember, if you'd like me to read and work with the children at your school, you can find more information on my Schools page and get in touch directly. I'd love to hear from you.

Martin Amis: ignorance is bliss?

Last week, Martin Amis said a few things about writing for children in an interview with The Guardian. This post is my take on his remarks. Reported in the Guardian on the 11th February, Martin Amis’s comments about writing for children:

"People ask me if I ever thought of writing a children's book,” "I say, 'If I had a serious brain injury I might well write a children's book', but otherwise the idea of being conscious of who you're directing the story to is anathema to me, because, in my view, fiction is freedom and any restraints on that are intolerable."

"I would never write about someone that forced me to write at a lower register than what I can write," he added.

There has been offence taken on this comment, quite understandably. However, I think that all Amis’s comments show is that he is ignorant in the area. Any writer would be dissuaded from taking on a project that could limit their freedom of expression and scope, which Amis assumes happens when writing for children.

I think JRR Tolkien, Roald Dahl and Rudyard Kipling, to name but a few, have produced work of amazing breadth and imagination for children that is of notable quality and will remain a part of our culture for years to come.

Writers, who write down to children, patronize and show no understanding of their audience, generally fail. Children of all ages are astute and at times painfully honest, more so than adults.

So I believe that Amis has merely shown ignorance and inexperience in the field of children’s books which is quite sad in this enlightened age.

Photograph: David Levene

Here Comes The Crocodile

The first snap of the Hungry Crocodile is here in this lively jungle adventure that can be bought as a book or book and CD to aid and improve reading skills and listening. The wonderful, witty narration by Craig Kelly and Helen Lederer plus original music and sound effects bring this jungle adventure to life. The illustrations are big and bold and bright and atmospheric.

"It was hot in the deep green jungle when Crocodile leapt from the river. He sniffed and snarled, growled and snapped. The jungle shook and quivered."

Buy Here Comes the Crocodile

Click Clack Crocodile's back

He’s back again and this time Croc is hungrier than ever. With wonderful illustrations by Joelle Dreidemy this fantastically funny book brings Crocodile’s camouflage out into the open.

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The Nutty Nut Chase

POP!  A shiny, brown nut bursts up from the ground.  It looks so delicious that the two squirrels, Pecan and Hickory want to fight over it. This is a READY STEADY READ romp of a book with lots of tempting extras to engage children with the fun story offering: Activity pages, Reusable reward stickers and Reading notes for parents and teachers. Perfect for Key Stage 1.

Here's a short extract: “Box his ears,” shouts Littlest Rabbt. “Certainly not.  Boxing ears doesn’t solve problems,” says Badger firmly. “Oh,” says Littlest Rabbit, disappointed, “then bop his nose.”

Buy The Nutty Nut Chase